
Through My Window: Across the Sea ending explained: What happened to Yoshi?

The new Netflix film titled Through My Window: Across the Sea explores the relationship between Ares and Raquel. While the first installment of the franchise saw the couple fall in love, this film saw them practice a long-distance relationship for a while. They finally met after a long time, but their friend circle this time had a lot of new members, and their relationship only got complicated.

At the end of Through My Window: Across the Sea, one of the main characters, Yoshi, died in a bike accident. He had dated Raquel for a while, but she had rejected him for another character called Gregory. Through My Window: Across the Sea was released on June 23, 2023.

Through My Window: Across the Sea ending explained: How was Yoshi killed?

After Yoshi rejected Anna's invitation to join her to gaze at fireworks, he began feeling like a complete fool. He had chosen to watch it with two friends, who in turn abandoned him. He missed Anna, so he just stole a bike and drove at top speed to the lighthouse. But this was the turning point of the film, as tragedy soon struck Yoshi.

He lost control of his bike and fell down a cliff. This resulted in his instant death. This was totally unexpected, as the fates of all the film's characters changed after this. During the funeral, Ares and Raquel had a huge argument. Raquel was furious because she believed that Ares always hid his feelings from her. Ares, in turn, blamed Raquel for Yoshi's death. He said that he would have been alive if Raquel hadn't dumped Yoshi at the party. She wanted to be with Gregory at the party.

It looks like the relationship between Aries and Raquel cannot be mended, no matter what. But not everything ended badly in the movie. Artemis had finally mustered the strength to hold Claudia's hands in front of everyone. His father even saw them and was internally screaming at the sight.

At the very end of the film, Raquel got to know that Yoshi had indeed sent the book she had written to be published. She wanted to do it herself but was insecure about her writing, so she never went through with it. Yoshi, who thought that he was her unofficial agent, had read the book and loved it. He believed that everyone deserved to read it, so he sent it to the publishing house.

This turned out to be a good move, as the publishing house loved the book and wanted to publish it so that thousands could read it. Even though Raquel's career as a novelist was about to kick off, she was broken from within.

When Gregory came to visit her, she refused to see him. She just gave a final gaze at Ares' old bedroom and closed the window behind her. It might look like the story of Ares and Raquel has ended, but it is certainly far from over.

After the end credits of Through My Window: Across the Sea, a glimpse of the third installment of the movie was shown. The only visual that was shown was Raquel and Ares sharing intimate moments. Their hands were even touching when they were dancing in a club. This film will be called Through My Window: Looking at You. While there is no information about this movie as of now, Nexflix is expected to soon announce a release date and a trailer.

Through My Window: Across the Sea is streaming worldwide on Netflix.

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